Arischio Consulting

Risk Culture – Some quick wins

Implementing a risk culture within an organisation is a strategic initiative that not only safeguards the firm against potential threats but also aligns with its overall strategic objectives, enhancing decision-making processes and organizational resilience.

But does it need to be a long painful process? There are some quick wins that firms should consider to help gain momentum and demonstrate the value of enhancing the risk culture in an organization.

Quick wins help in building enthusiasm and support for longer-term risk culture initiatives by showcasing immediate benefits. Here are several strategies to achieve quick wins in the context of developing a risk culture:

1. Communicate Clear Expectations

  • Action: Launch a campaign to communicate the importance of risk management, including simple guidelines on how employees can contribute. Get the tone at the top right first and let the Execs sing the praises of good risk management and risk culture.
  • Impact: Raises awareness and sets the stage for a culture change.

2. Risk Awareness Sessions

  • Action: Conduct short, engaging workshops or seminars on risk awareness for all employees, focusing on real-life examples and how to avoid common pitfalls. MAKE IT REAL!
  • Impact: Enhances understanding of risk and its relevance to everyone’s role.

3. Spotlight on Success

  • Action:Publicize recent instances where risk management practices successfully mitigated potential issues, through newsletters or company meetings.
  • Impact: Demonstrates the tangible benefits of effective risk management.

4. Simplify Reporting

  • Action: Introduce or streamline a process for reporting risks and near-misses that is simple, accessible, and non-punitive. KISS!
  • Impact: Encourages more open communication about risks and incidents.

5. Risk Champions

  • Action: Appoint risk champions within various departments to advocate for risk culture, provide peer support, and serve as go-to contacts for risk-related queries. RISK CHAMPIONS WITH TEETH!
  • Impact: Creates visible points of engagement and embeds risk culture at the departmental level.

6. Quick Risk Assessments

  • Action: Implement quick risk assessment tools or checklists for common processes or projects, enabling teams to identify and address risks promptly. RISKS SHOULD BE IDENTIFIED AND DISCUSSED IN REAL TIME NOT EVERY MONTHLY OR QUARTERLY
  • Impact: Facilitates proactive risk identification and management in daily operations.

7. Celebrate Risk Mitigation Efforts

  • Action: Recognize and reward departments or individuals who demonstrate exemplary risk management behaviors or successfully mitigate a risk. REWARD STAFF. IT CAN BE EITHER FINANCIAL OR NON FINANCIAL
  • Impact: Reinforces positive behaviors and the value placed on managing risk effectively.

8. Leverage Technology

  • Action: Utilize simple, user-friendly technology solutions to enhance risk reporting and management. This could be as straightforward as a shared digital dashboard or a mobile reporting app. A SIMPLE LINK ON THE INTRANET USED TO REPORT RISKS
  • Impact: Makes risk management more accessible and engaging.

9. Feedback Loops

  • Action:Create quick feedback mechanisms for suggestions on improving risk management practices, demonstrating that management listens and acts on employee input.
  • Impact: Encourages continuous improvement and employee involvement in shaping risk culture.

10. Immediate Policy Revisions

  • Action: Identify and amend any company policies or procedures that are clear obstacles to effective risk management, based on quick wins and feedback.
  • Impact: Shows commitment to change and removes barriers to effective risk management.

Ensuring Success and Sustainability

For quick wins to contribute to the long-term development of a risk culture, they should be:

  • Well-communicated, to ensure everyone understands their purpose and impact.
  • Closely monitored, to capture learnings and adapt strategies as necessary.
  • Integrated into broader risk culture initiatives, ensuring they are not one-off efforts but steps towards sustained culture change.

By focusing on achievable, impactful actions, organizations can build a strong foundation for a comprehensive risk culture while generating immediate benefits and buy-in from stakeholders across the company.

Are you struggling to gain buy in or momentum from your people? Are they losing enthusiasm and motivation?

Happy to take a call and have an informal chat on where your challenges lie and how we can address them. Just drop me an email at